Should I Replace My Air Conditioner Unit Myself or Hire a Professional?

A licensed HVAC professional is trained and tested to be an expert in the different types of air conditioning systems, their parts, and the installation process. Hiring an expert means you won't have to research or do the manual work involved in DIY. When looking for an air conditioning company, make sure they offer warranties on parts and labor and against faulty installation of equipment or repair of the air conditioner for at least 30 days after the service was provided. Today's air conditioner units use up to 50 percent less energy than those manufactured just ten years ago, making a new unit a great investment for most homeowners.

Even if the unit seems to be working properly, common problems can arise at any time, such as refrigerant leaks, improper maintenance, and electronic control failures. A newer unit will work more efficiently, and you'll likely end up saving money on utility costs. If you already have an air conditioner unit that you want to replace, there are some unique considerations. You may be tempted to fix your air conditioner yourself or hire a handyman to advertise on Craigslist, but you must resist this temptation.

Your air conditioner may always be on if you have a dirty air filter, a thermostat that isn't working properly, dirty coils, ducts that restrict air flow, or low refrigerant levels. Some air conditioning systems may require additional transportation costs, depending on the place of origin and destination of the shipment, and you may have to enlist the help of some people to help you unload the unit if the transport company does not help you with this. In most places, local government requires permits for many home improvement projects, such as the replacement or installation of large-scale appliances, such as home heating and cooling systems. It's helpful to rely on a simple equation to determine if repairing is a better option than replacing an air conditioning unit. In the US, more than half of homes have an air conditioning unit installed, and almost everyone will need an air conditioner repair at some point.

If you're constantly receiving higher bills than you expected, this could be a sign that it's time to replace your central air unit.

Installing Your Central Air Conditioner Unit

Obviously, your central air conditioning unit must be installed outside and then connected to the ducts in your home. Both the fan and the compressor should work effectively; this means that the air flows through the ducts and feels sufficiently cold. A split system includes an outdoor unit and an indoor cabinet, while the packaged type is placed in a cabinet located outside or on the roof of the house. Wherever you choose to place the system, the place must have adequate air flow, be set apart so as not to generate excessive noise, but it must also be accessible for maintenance and allow the unit to be properly positioned and connected.

Checking Air Flow Before Replacing Your Unit

If you think there needs to be more air flow through the air conditioner vents, there are a few things you should check before jumping to conclusions about replacing the unit.

It's important to consider all factors before deciding whether it's best for you to hire a professional or attempt DIY installation of your new air conditioner. If you're not sure what type of system is best for your home or how much it will cost to install it correctly, it's best to consult with an experienced HVAC contractor who can provide advice on what type of system is best for your home.


Replacing your air conditioner unit can be a daunting task if you don't know what you're doing. It's important to consider all factors before deciding whether it's best for you to hire a professional or attempt DIY installation of your new air conditioner.

If you're not sure what type of system is best for your home or how much it will cost to install it correctly, it's best to consult with an experienced HVAC contractor who can provide advice on what type of system is best for your home.

Fokje Wijk
Fokje Wijk

Lifelong music fan. Devoted coffee nerd. Avid food practitioner. Avid social media nerd. Passionate internet junkie.