What Type of Refrigerant Should I Use When Replacing My Air Conditioner?

When it comes to replacing your air conditioner, R-134A, or norflurane, is an excellent option that is approved for reconditioning. You don't need to replace the entire unit to comply with phase-out laws; instead, you can adapt your system that uses R-410A to use norflurane. The R-454B refrigerant is configured to replace R-410A while being phased out. Most of the new air conditioning units being manufactured will use the R-454B.

AC refrigerant is a crucial part of air conditioning systems, and over the past decade, scientists have discovered more environmentally friendly types for residential and commercial use. There are actually three different types, and improper use can damage the air conditioner because they are not interchangeable. We offer expert and reliable air conditioning and heating repair, installation, and advice services to keep you comfortable all year round. HFC (hydrofluorocarbon) gas is one of the most popular types of refrigerants in air conditioning units around the world, and best of all, it has not been considered to directly contribute to the depletion of the ozone layer.

Manufacturers of residential heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems are going ahead of the legislation and starting to phase out refrigerants with high global warming potential. All domestic air conditioning units, industrial freezers, and vehicle refrigeration systems require one of these chemicals. Avoiding a refrigerant leak is very important if your air conditioner uses R22, as it will increase the cost of the repair so much that it won't be worth it. The best time to maintain the air conditioner is in spring, before starting to use the air conditioner during the season.

Now that you know about the different types of refrigerants for home air conditioning, let's take a quick look at what a low refrigerant charge is and how to fix it. If you want a unit that will serve you reliably during the seasons of Northwest Arkansas, Anderson Air is the best option. New equipment, such as vacuum pumps, and the additional time for gases to safely dissipate could cause installation and repair to take longer than it would otherwise take. Before freon was invented, air cooling systems used toxic and flammable refrigerants such as sulfur dioxide and ammonia.

When research emerged on the harmful effects of R-22 refrigerant, there was a need to find a better alternative. As an expert in air conditioning, I recommend using R-134A or norflurane when replacing your AC unit. This type of refrigerant is approved for reconditioning and can be adapted from R-410A systems without needing to replace the entire unit. The R-454B is also configured for replacement while being phased out.

HFC gas is one of the most popular types of AC refrigerants worldwide due to its lack of contribution to ozone layer depletion. Manufacturers are phasing out high global warming potential refrigerants in favor of more environmentally friendly options. All domestic AC units, industrial freezers, and vehicle refrigeration systems require one type or another. It's important to avoid a refrigerant leak if your system uses R22 as repairs can become too costly for it to be worth it.

Springtime is ideal for maintaining your air conditioner before using it during summer months. Low refrigerant charges can be fixed by professionals like Anderson Air who specialize in reliable AC repair services in Northwest Arkansas. Before freon was invented, other toxic and flammable substances were used as refrigerants which led to research on finding better alternatives.

Fokje Wijk
Fokje Wijk

Lifelong music fan. Devoted coffee nerd. Avid food practitioner. Avid social media nerd. Passionate internet junkie.